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Nursing care plan goals for schizophrenia involves recognizing schizophrenia, establishing trust and rapport, maximizing the level of functioning, assessing positive and negative symptoms, assessing medical history … The effect of exercise in clinically depressed adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 2001 Apr. 1997 Dec. 54(12):1113-9. 15(5):589-600. Medscape Medical News. N Engl J Med. The place of diagnosis in psychiatry is once again in the spotlight because of the recent publication of the latest revision of the US classification scheme DSM-5. 2006 May. Vol 2:313-342. Consulting fee Consulting; Wisconsin Psychiatric Association Honoraria Speaking and teaching; Care Wisconsin, Inc. Honoraria Speaking and teaching. During the past month, have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things? [Full Text]. [Guideline] Guu TW, Mischoulon D, Sarris J, Hibbeln J, McNamara RK, Hamazaki K, et al. 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