Our organization focuses on working with local police to find and free modern slaves and arrest traffickers, but there are numerous ways YOU can help fight human trafficking in your own community. Recommended free courses on economic development: One of the major causes of human trafficking is poverty and economic constraints, in this area, the government must be able to provide jobs for the people and also to improve the standard of our economy, if the government can be able to do this, the rate … We can stop trafficking by stopping traffickers. Poverty is ranked first on the list of the unlawful act. Harvard University – Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice. They may not understand laws in the country where they now reside or may not speak the language. Traffickers are trained to identify vulnerability and use expert manipulation tactics to persuade and control their victims. Harvard University – Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice The issue of human trafficking is rooted in many issues, however, one of the most influential is poverty. ©2020 The Exodus Road. A trafficker, familiar with this scenario, might offer her a job that enables her to feed her children. You can learn more about how COVID-19 is affecting human trafficking across the world here: https://blog.theexodusroad.com/covid-19-impact-human-trafficking. For approximately 40 million people, it’s not some obscure, disconnected concept that’s hard to comprehend; it’s a reality they’re forced to live in daily. Amnesty International – Human Rights: The Rights of Refugees. Social Norms, Social Change (UNICEF) Leuven University – The UN Sustainable Development Goals: an Interdisciplinary Academic Introduction. Trafficking can also lead to cognitive impairment, memory loss, depression, and even suicide. Some girls and women may leave home willingly if they’ve been raised to believe they are unequal to men or have few opportunities for work and advancement in their own communities. 5 Free United Nations Online Courses Only then can we start making strategic moves to stop human trafficking and truly help those in need. 1837 Words 8 Pages. Many victims who escape a trafficking situation lack advanced education and the resources needed to live independently. Understanding the cause and effect in human trafficking is key when working to end it. It is an economic condition dealing with the lack of basic survival needs as well as money to live successfully. Human Rights Books, Human Rights Law (Louvain) Once victims age out of their current positions, they may be offered a job as a trafficker. By using threats or violence, employers can convince their employees to continue working for them and to keep quiet. They then begin exploiting others. Children who have lost their parents, for example, are easy targets for traffickers. The effects of this injustice are far reaching, impacting all individuals involved, their communities, and generations that follow. Commercialized sex is a lucrative market that allows traffickers and pimps to become the only profiter from their victims through an endless cycle of buyers and high prices. Cultural and social factors can also lead victims not to speak up about being trafficked or who their traffickers are, especially if they come from groups who lack human rights protections. Harvard University – Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice UN Entry-Level Hiring Programs Work as Protection Associate at UNHCR For those looking to migrate out of their home countries due to safety concerns or economic opportunities, they are especially vulnerable to traffickers. Refugee Rights (Amnesty International) A lack of proper medical care allows these conditions to spread and worsen—often affecting an individual's health permanently. Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. This is an incentive for them to continue trafficking people in both forced labor and sex trafficking. Trafficking ultimately exists because people are willing to exploit others into trafficking situations. And many women from countries like Nigeria, Ukraine, and other Eastern European and African countries are offered nannying or restaurant jobs in Western Europe, only to trapped in sex trafficking. Human trafficking continues to grow in staggering numbers around the world. Victims of forced labor may work in dangerous conditions for long hours doing repetitive tasks. Poverty is one of the largest contributors to human trafficking. Individuals who are being trafficked can quickly become isolated from friends, family, and other social circles. Groups that are especially vulnerable in this area are migrants without work permits, those who lack education, those who live in rural areas where there are less jobs available, as well as women and certain ethnic groups who may not be able to get jobs due to discrimination. such as a widow or single mother who struggles to provide for her children. The United Nations (SOAS), 5 Free NGO online courses online In prevention of trafficking, education can also empower children to make changes in their community as they grow older that will prevent situations and vulnerabilities of which traffickers take advantage. But it’s also a symptom of other deeply-rooted, international challenges — the refugee crisis, civil conflict, poverty, and more. After being confined to the same job for a long period of time and not being allowed to learn new skills, victims can become dependent. Cause And Effect Essay On Human Trafficking 829 Words | 4 Pages. The more traffickers participate in the exploitation of others, the more money they make for themselves. If we want to effectively contribute to the eradication of modern slavery, we must first understand what causes it and how it affects those involved. Political instability, militarism, generalized violence or civil unrest can result in … It’s full of information from some of the most reputable sources available on the topic of human trafficking and it will educate and better equip you to recognize signs of trafficking and help those around you who are in need. Most traffickers recruit their victims between the ages of 6 to 24, because a young victim will easily succumb to force and give in. Basic economics tell us that for a market to form, supply and demand need to exist. In 1984 the United States passed the National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA), which banned the … Essay on Human Trafficking: Causes and Effects. International Migrations (Sciences Po) The Trafficking process. The more dangerous human trafficking becomes for traffickers, the less likely they will continue exploiting others. Forced labour is an all work service which is exhausted from any person under cruelty, where the individual is unwilling to perform voluntarily (C29 Forced Labour Convention, 1930). Some countries, such as Mauritania, still practice antiquated slavery, where families are held for generations by slave-masters. Organizations Management (Geneva) Burnout as Human Rights Worker. Trafficked minors are all the more vulnerable due to their age. Causes and Effects of human trafficking in Cambodia There are many causes of human trafficking in Cambodia. Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world, second in size only to drug trafficking.2 Traffickers generate $150 billion per year, according to the International Labor Organization. When the time comes, they may have a hard time living on their own. Many survivors may end up experiencing post-traumatic stress, difficulty in relationships, depression, memory loss, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, and other severe forms of mental trauma. They may also be exposed to dangerous contaminants or work with heavy equipment. As a result, many are subjected to serious infections, respiratory problems, injuries, impairments, and exhaustion.3. In traditional cultures where arranged marriages are common, girls are sometimes forced into child marriage, which can also be identified as a form of human trafficking. While the causes and effects are varied and multifaceted, sustainable change can happen if survivors are rescued and their perpetrators are arrested. The children suffer from lack of self-esteem, emotional disturbance, disorientation, and depressio… Recommended free courses on forced labor: They may be raped, beaten, and subjected to abuse over a long period of time. Here at The Exodus Road, we believe we all have a role to play in creating a free world. Some accept the new position to escape their own victimization. Harvard launches Child Rights Course Once victims age out of their current positions, they may be offered a job as a trafficker. Cause and Effect of Human Trafficking Humans are highly profitable as forced labourer (Polaris Japan, 2012). Human trafficking is a global, complex, and heartbreaking issue. Young Professional Programs The Causes and Consequences of Re-trafficking: 3 Evidence from the IOM Human Trafficking Database ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP) of the United States Department of State as a component of its support for the IOM Human Trafficking Database. Cancel anytime. A parent may be willing to sell a daughter and send her into a world of exploitation. However, human trafficking is very different to legal migration. United Nations Scholarships Some individuals who return home or escape a trafficking situation may even be excluded from social groups due to a stigma they now face; they may be shunned by their family and friends and feel unloved and unwanted.4 Unfortunately, this isolation can make them vulnerable to being trafficked again or lead them to return to an abusive lifestyle. In conflict zones and wars, some rebel or military groups will use child soldiers and keep sex slaves. Here at The Exodus Road, we believe we all have a role to play in creating a free world. Cause And Effect Essay On Human Trafficking. Oxford University – From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding Economic Development, SDG Academy – Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Challenging Poverty, Vulnerability and Social Exclusion, Columbia University – Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom, Harvard University – Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice, Amnesty International – Human Rights: The Rights of Refugees, Leuven University – The UN Sustainable Development Goals: an Interdisciplinary Academic Introduction. Never underestimate the difference you can make in someone's life through one small act of kindness. Effects of Human Trafficking Women, who are sexually exploited, suffer similar injuries as those who are battered, raped or sexually assaulted. It can drive people to become traffickers; it can drive parents to sell children or other family members into slavery. It has become one of the most critical problems of today’s society. And for migrants looking for jobs in other countries, traffickers typically offer them job opportunities that seem legitimate, only to force them into a trafficking situation. According to statistics by the U.S. Department of State, globally, 2 million children are trafficked into the sex trade each year. Poverty also plays a large piece in many of the other root causes of trafficking, driving people to migrate, making education and legitimate work difficult to obtain, making recovery and safety from war and disaster impossible, and more. Human Trafficking: The Aftermath Rosa, a 13-year-old waitress in a small Mexican village was told by a family friend about a higher paying waitressing job in the US. Either way, victims can become isolated, withdrawn, and lose contact with most people. Victims may also experience social ostracism. Donate money to an organization that works on the front lines. Human trafficking can have physical, emotional, and psychological effects on anyone involved. Aftercare in Human Trafficking: It's Much Harder than You Think. The issue of human trafficking has become one of the most critical issues that the world currently faces. In other places, selling children to traffickers is the norm, especially for poorer families in rural areas. 5 Fully Funded PhDs in Human Rights Human Trafficking is an illegal activity that hampers the way we live our lives. Political conditions. They are forced into heavy physical labor in hazardous environment. Some individuals who return home or escape a trafficking situation may even be excluded from social groups due to a stigma they now face; they may be shunned by their family and friends and feel unloved and unwanted. The enslaved people who may also be … Get free updates about online courses, paid internships, bachelor's and master's programs, scholarships, summer schools and other educational opportunities delivered to your inbox. Human trafficking is caused by poverty, debt, addiction, political instability and natural disasters, and demand. They might also pay for transportation, shelter, clothing, or food so their victims are indebted to them and feel obligated to work. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. Human trafficking denies individuals of their human rights, and is a worldwide well-being danger. But we are not limited to merely bearing the dehumanizing and tragic effects of trafficking. Sandra Morgan, the Director of the Global Center for Women & Justice and Dave Stachowiak, one of the Center’s board members, discuss how to look at human trafficking through the lenses of cause and effect to get to the real roots of the problem. When someone living in poverty, such as a widow or single mother who struggles to provide for her children, is desperate to meet a basic need, she is in a vulnerable position. Wits University – Forced and Precarious Labor in the Global Economy: Slavery by Another Name? One major cause of human trafficking is the large profit that traffickers gain. It can drive people to … ABSTRACT. that Fight Human Trafficking. The root causes of trafficking are various and often differ from one country to another. Human trafficking is the recruitment, smuggling or receipt of persons by means of violence or other means of fraud, abuse authority or receiving benefits to control over a person for the purpose of exploitation (The United Nation n.d.). Oxford University – From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding Economic Development A victim of trafficking does not speak a particular language or have a particular race; a victim of trafficking can look like anyone. Some accept the new position to escape their own victimization. Human Rights Movies on Netflix Poverty is one of the largest contributors to human trafficking. Women’s Rights (Stanford) Poverty and Unemployment are one of the main causes of Human Trafficking. Cause and Effect of Human Trafficking 1 The effect human trafficking has on world today. There are also instances, like in Uzbekistan, where forced labor is institutionalized. Human trafficking energizes the development of sorted out wrongdoing. Attention would be focused on the actual causes and effects of human trafficking problem as well as eradication of human trafficking will be suggested. The U.S. Department of State explains, “Because traffickers dehumanize and objectify their victims, victims’ innate sense of power, visibility, and dignity often become obscured.”. A trafficker will quickly take advantage of these types of situations. The more traffickers participate in the exploitation of others, the more money they make for themselves. The demands for cheap labor and for commercialized sex lead to opportunities for traffickers to exploit people. In the United States, there have been 26 pieces of legislation passed aimed at regulating organ transplanting and donation (Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), n.d.). Poverty again is considered as the main driver behind their decisions to migrate over sea for work. While the following categories do not cause human trafficking, they do create a state of vulnerability and ideal opportunities for traffickers to strike. Without a safe place to call home or a guardian to provide for and protect them, these children become vulnerable to abuse, unfair treatment, and trafficking. Victims of forced labor may work in dangerous conditions for long hours doing repetitive tasks. And not just women. Amnesty International – Human Rights: The Rights of Refugees Human trafficking can cause such grave consequences for the people involved, for the organizers, and for the family and country left behind. Victims of human trafficking can experience devastating psychological effects during and after their trafficking experience. Human trafficking has become a multibillion crime enterprise, second to drug and arms dealing. And with increased economic instability, traffickers have opportunities to offer false job offers to people, leading them into trafficking situations. There are numerous causes of human trafficking, but the root of most causes is money.Reaping approximately $150 billion and victimizing close to 27 million people, human trafficking is the fastest-growing illicit industry in the world. This may be due to their personal feelings of guilt and shame or because they’ve relocated and now live far away from their community. Those who have been sexually exploited are often abused by their traffickers and customers. THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING AMONG OUR WOMEN IN THE SOCIETY. They are sold to slavery either for sex or labor services. Human trafficking in Nigeria is caused by a number of reasons, ranging from poverty to unemployment and illiteracy. Posted by : / Posted on : Write a program to calculate lcm of two numbers / Category : Uncategorized. In summary, the major causes behind the trafficking of women in Nigeria include widespread unemployment and poverty, a high level of illiteracy and ignorance, poor living standards as well as burdens of desperation of poor and illiterate parents with large families who are ignorant of the consequences of human trafficking. This outlook is ingrained into the minds of men and women in certain cultures, which creates a huge opportunity for traffickers. In many countries, groups that are marginalized in society lack institutionalized human rights, which can lead to them be potential victims of trafficking. Traffickers offer seemingly legitimate jobs to people who cannot get them otherwise, only to lure them into forced labor, sex trafficking, bonded labor, and more. Human trafficking continues to grow in staggering numbers around the world. In reality, employees are often forced to work long, hard hours for little or no pay. Humanitarian Courses with Certificates Trafficking … Poverty is an important factor which has increased women and children’s vulnerability to human traffickers particularly the poor and unemployed due to their willingness to join or their low level of awareness on the dangers associated with human trafficking. 454 Toolkit to Combat Trafficking in Persons What are the root causes of trafficking? DEFINITION OF TERMS Trafficking: The term trafficking means the movement of people from one country to another, this could be either women, child or human traffickings for the purpose of earning meager amount of money for their daily living It is a choice. Columbia University – Inclusive Teaching: Supporting All Students in the College Classroom. When someone feels alone or unloved or has been abused in the past, they may be willing to take great risks. The harsh economic conditions in the country make some individuals jump at any opportunity to move to greener pastures, and human traffickers deceitfully provide these opportunities. They then begin exploiting others. Download our latest ebook, "The Truth About Sex Trafficking", below. Consider volunteering with a local counter-trafficking organization. Harvard University – Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster, Campaigning For Human Rights: Ideas To Get Started, How to Register an NGO in the United States, 5 Labour Law Books To Learn More About Worker’s Rights, 10 NGOs Advocating for Human Rights in the Philippines, By continuing, you accept the privacy policy. United Nations SDGs (Copenhagen) The experience of trauma, especially in the form of human trafficking, leads to many subtle and overt changes in an individual, including mental health symptoms, substance use and addiction, shame, guilt, suicidal thoughts, isolation and identify disturbance, any of which can be mild to severe. Health and other effects associated with trafficking overall • Poor mental health is a dominant and persistent adverse health effect associated with human trafficking. However, the difference between the two, is those who are sexually trafficked are subjected to the same, constant injuries due to continuous prostitution for example. explains, “Because traffickers dehumanize and objectify their victims, victims’ innate sense of power, visibility, and dignity often become obscured.”. The effects of this injustice are far reaching, impacting all individuals involved, their communities, and generations that follow. They may also be exposed to dangerous contaminants or work with heavy equipment. Here are some common ways human trafficking affects victims and perpetrators. Poverty. War, political instability, and natural disasters can displace individuals or entire families. While the causes and effects are varied and multifaceted, sustainable change can happen if survivors are rescued and their p… Human trafficking happens in every country in the world, in many different forms; however, the causes behind human trafficking are essentially the same for labor trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking, and all other types of modern day slavery. In some societies, it’s widely accepted to devalue and abuse women and children. $99 billion of that is generated through sex trafficking alone, while the other $51 billion is generated through labor trafficking. As you read through this section, keep in mind that many traffickers also experience trauma because of what they see and do to others, and many traffickers have been victimized themselves at some point in their lives. What are the causes of human trafficking? The government also take no steps to stop such brothels where women are treated in any way possible. Our organization focuses on working with local police to find and free modern slaves and arrest traffickers, but there are numerous ways YOU can help. For 70 percent of youth who reported human trafficking allegations, their initial victimization occurred during their flight from foster care. . Human trafficking is an essential part of legalized prostitution. Also, when countries lack fundamental laws regarding human rights, traffickers feel as though they can get away with what they are doing more easily. Additionally, both conflict and natural disaster can lead people to migrate out of their hometowns and home countries, making them more vulnerable to traffickers, especially if they are looking for work or paying smugglers to get where they want to go. A lack of education can lead to decreased opportunities for work at a living wage, and it can also lead to a decreased knowledge in rights. Here are the 10 causes of human trafficking around the world. It has the power to impact someone's life forever. ever underestimate the difference you can make in someone's life through one small act of kindness. Causes And Effects Of Human Trafficking: The Aftermath. How to Become a Human Rights Activist Be a friend to someone who’s alone and vulnerable. When people are forced to flee their homes and communities, they can experience financial hardship, homelessness, and culture shock. Wits University – Forced and Precarious Labor in the Global Economy: Slavery by Another Name? Causes of human trafficking in Nigeria. Due to safety concerns or economic opportunities, that can also lead to opportunities for traffickers to exploit.., cultural practices and social factors are a major cause of human trafficking can such! Child welfare system are highly profitable as forced labourer ( Polaris Japan, 2012 ) an organization that on. Lead individuals down a path that ends in exploitation if survivors are rescued and their p….... 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