Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In these situations, he either explains to his chat regarding the plot that is going on, or breaks the fourth wall to comment on other characters' actions. One of three friendship emeralds. Wilbur Soot (brother, deceased) Tubbo (adoptive brother) He had lost a shoe, his clothes were in an even worse shape, and the bags under his eyes were far more prominent. He gained a new resolve and fled his exile. Despite betraying Techno just the previous day and knowing the full extent of his arsenal, Tommy didn't bother trying to predict his movements or actions beyond just being too powerful to take on. During the second festival, Tommy betrayed Technoblade by siding with L'Manberg when Techno trusted him and refused to give his axe back, resulting in a negative relationship. Ranboo defended Tommy by admitting that he was an accomplice of the griefing of George's house, and that Tommy had protected him in court. Join the Dreams Discord Server for Media Molecule's DreamsPS4. Although he is generally a reasonable person, Phil seems to enjoy embracing chaos as it comes, being supportive of Technoblade's plan to destroy L'Manberg with his withers. Phil was given an ankle monitor (a pair of iron boots named "Ankle Monitor") to ensure that he could not leave the house. As an ally, Tommy gained access to Technoblade's resources. Tommy built a sewer system under the main path that connects many of the players' bases and Power Tower as an entrance. Despite this, Tubbo granted a small plot of land near Tommy's L'Manbergian house for Philza's own use. He had been gifted two of these discs by HBomb and BBH on Christmas day. Phil often spends time bonding with Ghostbur and humoring his antics. He considers him a wrongin, refusing to accept his "pity gifts" during his beginning era of exile. Even if I'm in the most open areas, I'm opposite-phobic, bitch. Tommy was then attacked by Dream until Technoblade announced that he had to make a speech. Sibling(s) This failure to provide any information to the defense force, and surprise that Techno used the arsenal that he had repeatedly prepared and used in front of Tommy, played a major part in L'Manberg's downfall. Fiction notice:All banter and fighting seen in streams/videos are purely fictional and should not be taken seriously. The nation of L'Manberg was defeated during the battles, but Tommy refused to surrender and challenged Dream to a duel for independence. Upon interacting with Dream after sneaking into Dream SMP with Techno, Tommy refused to follow Dream's orders and claimed that Dream was scared of him. Awesamdude was very friendly with Tommy when they met. Phil currently seems to consider Ranboo a friend. After spending time with Dream and Ghostbur, he voiced that all he wanted was to be with civilization—to just socialize and experience the joys of life. Running over to Sapnap to the Community House, Tommy apologized for everything he has done. Created very early on the SMP, an unenchanted bow on low durability, usually kept in Tommy's enderchest but is seemingly missing. While the two clashed with each other in a fashion that one might expect from siblings, Tommy looked up to Wilbur immensely, admiring his leadership. Tommy respects Technoblade's talent and holds him in high regard, often asking him for help as seen while he was in Pogtopia and while exiled. For a second, Tommy began to reconsider Technoblade's words about him being a pointless hero, but hurriedly brushed them away.[2]. This means that Philza will not act upon such knowledge from his chat. Throughout Tommy's exile, Ranboo remained supportive and was one of the two people who Tommy continued to call a "friend". Joining Dream SMP. However, Connor had angered Tommy by building Connor Esports Estate Vol. However Tommy did not want power and gave the position Wilbur, who then passed it to Tubbo. This page is about the character on the Dream Team SMP. These topics include eating sand, Wilbur's hatred for anteaters, boiler explosions, etc. Dream asked Tubbo to give him the second disc. -To JackManifold, in response to his question about why Phil was destroying the government with Technoblade. The beach party was planned by Tommy with the help of Ghostbur and Dream as an event for Tommy to connect with the other members, but Dream had disrupted the distribution of invitations by misleading Ghostbur, leading to Tommy being alone and developing mostly negative perceptions of members other than Dream. Now we get back the discs. The Butcher Army's decision to execute Technoblade started in the search for him. During the meeting, Tubbo, Tommy, and Dream signed a treaty that put Tommy under probation for three more weeks; if Tommy misbehaved, he would be under probation until he was eighteen, and the walls would be doubled. Tommy then said that Technoblade didn't have to destroy L'Manberg like he did. Aliases Tommy and Wilbur planned to take back L'Manberg from Schlatt, and the two developed the movement with the help of Technoblade and Tubbo. Tommy burning down the house was seen as a direct offense against Sapnap's nation as George was the King of the Dream SMP, an offense Sapnap couldn't help but take personally. However, this all started to go downhill after Tommy burned down George's summer house. He considers this as the most dangerous weapon on the server, for it can copyright a member if they happen to listen to it while streaming or recording a video on the SMP. After Dream left, Tommy started the process of building a tower to commit suicide. Tommy idolizes Vikkstar, standing up and respecting him during their time together. mingipicture. Days later, Phil built his house in L'Manberg and spent time with Ghostbur, who asked him to write a book for his collection. It seems as if he was still distraught after L'manberg was blown up for the second time. After Tommy's exile, Technoblade visited Tommy to mock him for his status and for his own prophecy coming true. When it failed, he proposed that they would need a Totem of Undying in order to complete the resurrection, as his readings described the Totem as not preventing a true death, but restoring life to the holder and nearby individuals when they die. During the campaign season, he also built the Reverse Coaster on his own and the The White House with Wilbur and Quackity. Tommy, Tubbo, Ghostbur, and Quackity sang the L'Manberg anthem, though none of them could remember the national anthem in full. WAR! - to Wilbur in the aftermath of L'Manberg's destruction, which had resulted in Friend's death. Following his exile from the Greater Dream SMP and L'Manberg, Tommy's main personality remained, but he grew from the state of shock the events had put him into. Welcome to Dreamy SMP! During The War of the Burning Eiffel Tower, the two fought on the same side. However, over time, their relationship developed. During most of Wilbur's life, Tommy was his disciple and second in command. Species It tracks Tubbo or more specifically Tubbo's White House. Philza stated that his chat is canon for the first time in the stream "Dream SMP - trying to revive my son LOL". Wilbur (Deceased, now ghost) Tommy Tubbo (Adopted) - to the Butcher Army after Technoblade escapes his execution. He discovered who his true allies were and continued to fight for them. Despite his peaceful nature, Philza has occasionally shown glimpses of his chaotic side, and is both unafraid and capable of retaliation when pushed too far. Despite this, the two still maintained a strong relationship and worked together as allies. Dream constantly visited to check up on Tommy and destroy his items. Please do not add Technoblade as a family member. Only gets one life due to his nature of playing hardcore. Tubbo also forgave Tommy, and officially unexiled him from L'Manberg. Tubbo is Phil's second to youngest and surrogate son. However, on December 15, after Dream had blown up Logstedshire, Tommy realized that Dream was only manipulating him and pretending to be his friend. He also seems to be hung up on the fact Wilbur is dead. Children The second was gifted to Tommy. Tubbo decided to give a sentence of two weeks of probation, though Dream was unsatisfied and wanted Tommy to be exiled. After Wilbur's appearance as a ghost, Tommy stated that he has a liking towards Ghostbur more than Wilbur. Fundy (nephew) Eret (brother-in-law) Sally (past sister-in-law) This disc had a lot of involvements in wars like The Disc Saga, The Railway Skirmish, and others. Phil has declared Fundy as being dead to him due to Fundy joining the Butcher Army to execute Technoblade. HEY HEY WAIT, PLS ONLY JOIN IF YOU KNOW BOTH DANGANRONPA AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, THE DREAM SMP! Phil is a no-nonsense type of person, wise and not hesitating to discipline his children if they break rules or are generally problematic. Confused by the pride and doubt that constantly stirred in his mind, Tommy had a desire to have others with him. When Ghostbur asks Phil questions about sad things, Phil makes efforts to reassure him, but is honest if vague about his past life. To gain back what had been taken away from him, he constantly attempted to substitute it with his discs, playing them on his bench while watching the sun set with Tubbo. TommyInnit joined the server on July 4th, 2020. (e.g, Puffy, Punz, etc. This page is about the character on the Dream SMP. It's obvious Tommy is more comfortable with Ghostbur than Wilbur, and doesn't want him to return. Tommy's care for those close to him leads him to fight for their cause. Tommy complimented Tubbo on it, coming to like the appearance of it. Tamed November 3rd 2020. After being set free by Dream, Ranboo spent half an hour trying to recapture Batthew and was successful. During Phil's house arrest, he was unable to do anything outside the boundaries of his home. However, since Fundy aided Pogtopia in taking down Schlatt, the two reestablished a neutral relationship. To Tommy and Tubbo, the unfinished symphony will forever remain unfinished; to Fundy, Niki, and others, the symphony wasn't worth finishing. During the election, Tommy's morals became warped. Tubbo then pointed out that he and Tommy were planning on fighting Dream together. Phil later helped Techno transport his pets Hubert and Fool to his new base. He was still dedicated to L'Manberg. After losing these discs, Tommy's ego deflated. After their escape, Techno showed Phil his second vault, where Phil agreed that the government did nothing good. Throughout the execution and escape, Philza constantly laughed and teased the Butcher Army. He convinced Jack Manifold to join L'Manberg and helped Wilbur build a park and Puffer Fish Alleyway. However, Tommy had made it clear that this does not mean he enjoys his company all of the time. “Carl is okay, Techno is okay, Tommy is okay. Canonically, Philza is his father and Wilbur is his brother. Ranboo forgot about this because he was in his "sleeping state". However, Tommy wanted to protect the country since it was Tubbo's goal to protect the nation, maintaining a protective stance of Tubbo. Although Tommy tried to protect the home he cared about with Techno's own gear, many people had no longer cared for the nation and supported the riddance of it. ⳾*⑅* ⑅* ⑅* ⑅* ⑅* ⑅*⳾ (breakdown of yesterday’s set-up, 12/14) Drista joins the Dream SMP again. However, they've never really had a positive relationship despite small friendly gestures by Punz. - Phil responding to Tubbo after Tubbo questions Phil on whether he is a fan of government. However, for the sake of clarity, this wiki page defaults to using he/him. After being exiled from L'Manberg, his outfit stayed relatively the same but became dirty and torn up. submissions and asks will be open for people to submit events or stream clips, anything you deem important! We got me back. He lost all hope when he saw the L'Mantree had been burned down by someone, who was revealed to be Niki. When he failed to, Phil then logged onto the SMP to physically stop Wilbur from pushing the button. Ever since Tommy witnessed Fundy tear down the walls and build Manberg's, he has expressed hostility towards him, believing him to be a genuine traitor to L'Manberg and its ideals. Tommy traded this disc to Dream for the independence of L'Manberg during the Dream Team SMP vs L'Manberg War. Whoever fires the bow has the right to write a TwitLonger and subsequently cancel the person who got shot. He defended Techno's nature, saying that he had changed, and that his past war crimes of deploying withers L'Manberg were "water under the bridge". Human On the same day, Tubbo put Phil under house arrest even though he eventually gave Tubbo what he wanted. I can go back happy now.” - Phil after defying house arrest to check on Technoblade and Tommy. Philza was unaware of Dream's abuse towards Tommy, until Ghostbur tells Philza about the beach party that Tommy was hosting and that Dream sent Ghostbur away into the snow after delivering the invites, as well as Logstedshire's destruction. There, Tommy gave an inspirational speech about comradery, friendship, and a united L'Manberg to bring the members together and motivate members to rebuild. Tommy took initiative and began putting up a billboard in the center of the country banning various things. He has referred to himself as "Techno's hidden sword", implying that he would come to his defense if need be. 9. Sapnap accidentally killed Henry, angering Tommy and causing him to grief The Eiffel Tower, sparking The War of the Burning Eiffel Tower. Before Wilbur had blown up L'Manberg, he'd tried to convince Tommy that they were villains, and Technoblade told Tommy that he was a delusional hero. Initially the server will function as just a server for people to play on, but once we have enough people on we will be starting a “war”! A shared pet bat between, Tommy, Connor, and Sapnap. Tommy congratulated Tubbo on his promotion, and Tubbo responded by naming Tommy Vice President. It is highly disrespectful to send hate towards anyone, so please refrain from doing so at any point. He directed his historical 'Theseus' speech towards Tommy, mocking him for trying to be a 'hero' and immediately instilling a new government. Tommy also agreed to give Connor resources, reassuring him after he saw, Dream and Tommy have always had a somewhat negative relationship throughout their time together on the SMP. One of the disc was given to Technoblade. A few days after the war, Phil went mining near Technoblade's old base to get supplies. As such, viewers would often type "SnoopPls" (a Twitch emote of Snoop Dogg dancing) and "Purge the weak" (or equivalent) as the video is playing. ( 2/100 players ) last ping 01/12/21. Tommy and Techno then went in and revealed themselves to the whole crowd. Tubbo seemed reluctant, wanting to keep his last life as well as Tommy's, but agreed. Tommy ended up losing, but gave Dream both of his prized music discs, 'Cat' and 'Mellohi,' in order to secure independence for L'Manberg. Phil rescued Ranboo from a lava pit, which Ranboo was very grateful for. His single remaining life by default, as confirmed by Word of God, implies the presence of his famous hardcore world between these two time frames in canon. While Techno aided Tommy in The Final Pet War, he was still suspected as the traitor in the Manberg vs Pogtopia war. After Phil aided in the destruction of L'Manburg, Ghostbur was furious, calling Phil to yell at him for letting friend die and destroying everything he'd built, becoming even more upset when Phil did not appear to regret his actions. With the exception of Philza, Tommy hates people if their names start with letter "P". After being placed under house arrest and having his home vandalized by the Butcher Army, Phil now aligns ideologically with Technoblade and Anarchism, disliking the L'Manberg government and claiming that he has seen it turn good people into tyrants. this is a recap account for the events of the dream SMP. In the early days of Dream SMP, Punz was cordial to Tommy, assisting him when he needed help and offering gifts. Tommy aimed the bow at Schlatt, ready to assassinate him. -To Technoblade, upon seeing the Wither vault and hearing about his plans for revenge. Tubbo eventually agreed to the exile, and Dream escorted Tommy away, acting as his warden. Both of them feel incredibly betrayed by one another, with Tommy upset that Techno did exactly what he always said he would do, and Techno seeing his former friend steal all of his tools and leave without a second thought. 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