But these tried-and-true guidelines will help you crack the structure for your character’s journey. These will go hand-in-hand with your plot to form the foundation on which your series is based. It’s important to focus on your characters as the connecting threads between books in a crime, mystery or contemporary fiction series. Everybody has a different writing process; some people are plotters, some people are ‘pantsers’, and the rest are somewhere in between. You cannot force their development through rapid changes; nor can you advance the plot through actions that are unrealistic or blatantly out-of-character. How will the relationships between various characters change and develop throughout the story? Is there potential for extensive character development, world-building and subplots within my main plot? Don’t worry too much about breaking the ‘rules’, as there really aren’t any, as such – more just general guidelines on what readers/publishers etc. And try to connect the dots with as few scenes as possible. Part of discovering the perfect outline, however, is trying different approaches and using what works best for you as well as for the script you are writing at the time. While committing to a series is a big step, and can be overwhelming at times, it’s important to remember why you decided to do it in the first place. BONUS TIP: Don’t force the issue of theme too much while planning! I’m going to use the ideas to incorporate it in a podcast. The climax of the entire series will obviously come close to the end of the last book. Given Martin’s rather slow writing progress, all his readers would have dropped off the radar long ago if they didn’t care what happened to the characters. A last word of advice. Comment below with your favorite story beats of all time or with some films you want to see us break down. J.K. Rowling, for example, … We’re big believers in writing outlines of movies as you watch them and then breaking them down in order to master structure, and the same goes for writing a TV series. Your beat sheet is high-level. Take a look at these, Is the plot driven by characters’ actions? I hesitated. Others need a map of generally where they’re going but worry about over-engineering their plot if they get too detailed. Tag elements like props, wardrobe, and cast. A visual medium requires visual methods. We have some proven tips that will help you get your career on track. BONUS TIP: Consider creating a Pinterest account dedicated solely to the planning of your series. How many books should you divide the series into? Your script outline, often referred to as a “step outline,” is where you extend your high-level beats into individual scenes. As we discussed above, your protagonist especially must grow and change throughout the series. However, I have also experience getting to a scene I thought I carefully outlined, only to realize that it didn’t work. The process of writing the outline for that first Season felt like a natural extension of telling a grander story. What will happen to put this change in motion? Once you’ve answered these, you’ll have a better understanding of what kind of plot you have and whether it will work within a series. There’s a lot to cover here, so let’s get started! Let that story and that passion bolster you throughout the process, and you’ll be on the right track. You’ll learn how to plan and execute your series to its full potential, along with how to create plot lines, characters and themes that will make for a compelling multi-volume story. For me, the most important principles of writing effective outlines are to write visually and explain nothing. Give your readers some credit; don’t try to spell everything out for them, and don’t make recurring themes too repetitive. A beat sheet will help you nail the major plot turns that round out your character’s arc. Setting a deadline … Some might grin at the thought of spending multiple books exploring the world and story they’ve created. After all your hard work and careful planning, it’s time to jump into the actual writing of your series. There are two main types of series, each with a differentpurpose. My husband and I write our own web series, so if you were hoping for your own production of it, I can help you there. The reader must want to follow the characters on their journey, getting to know them like real-life friends and family, and becoming invested in the outcomes of their conflicts and endeavours. To plan the setting of your crime or mystery series, think about the sort of atmosphere you want to create. You can then flesh these out in your script outline. Practice your pitch. Consistency is something you’ll mainly be checking during the revision process, but it doesn’t hurt to keep it in mind while you’re writing as well. To learn how to outline a screenplay, you must start with a basic plot trajectory. If you’re finding yourself stuck at a particular part of your series, try to move on so as not to disrupt the flow of your writing. If not, you must either reconsider the characters and their arcs or consider the possibility of a standalone novel. Instead, make notes of any problems, ideas or missing parts that occur to you and amend them when you’ve finished your draft and are conducting a complete edit. They are usually broken up in those above acts.Learn the best way to structure your screenplay with this free guide. It's one thing to pitch a TV show, it's another thing altogether to actually write one. The character arc is crucial to the script outline. Series deadlines are for real. No – it’s because they’re invested in the people behind those politics. But each novel reads more like a standalone piece, and the three do not necessarily need to be read in order. You’ve now mapped out the plot of your entire story as best you can. Similarly, the individual climax points before this will usually appear towards the end of each of the other volumes. For genres like fantasy and sci-fi, it’s important to know how many books you’re planning to write for the series before you start. Before you launch into a series – whether it be a duology, a trilogy or a sprawling ten-part epic – you need to seriously consider your commitment to the task. Oscar-winner Tony Gilroy said 30-to-80 page outlines are necessary for his own process. I even know I love at least 2 of my other main caste characters too. For example, the Harry Potter series can be seen as books one through three, followed by book four as a turning point (Voldemort’s return), rounded out by the final three books leading to the ultimate climax of the story. With an hour long television series episode, you write a Teaser scene, followed by Act One, Act Two, Act Three, Act Four, and sometimes Act Five, depending upon the show. Your email address will not be published. Wishing you the best of luck writing your series. While it’s wise to concentrate on getting readers invested in the main characters you introduce from the outset, you can’t expect them to stay engaged through multiple books that only involve the same band of characters. For now, just concentrate on mapping out the main events of the story. The most important thing here is that you know the beginning and end of your series. Will their mindset and worldview be different by the end of the story? However, this doesn’t mean that structure isn’t an important consideration for genres that don’t follow traditional ‘series’ conventions. So this is a good litmus test for knowing if your plot is on track. If Indiana Jones, say, got lonely and struck up a conversation with one of those snakes then… yeah, I can hear you yawning. There is a lot of information I have about it, and I’ve even started bits and pieces of the actual writing. While your characters must undergo a transformation, there must also be some measure of consistency in their depiction. Does it raise enough questions? Thank you so much for your article! Note down any aspects you want to include, big or small, and keep the list handy throughout your writing and revision processes. How to Write a Treatment for a Reality TV Show. In addition to the above, start your scenes late and get out early. Thanks for the advice! Take some time to note down everything you can about. Happy to hear you enjoyed the post , I didn’t realize I was still in the brain storming phase until I read your article. premise. You've finally made it to the final step in the process – and it's the most enjoyable step … We’re in a golden age of TV writing and development. The process of creating a setting in speculative fiction is often referred to as world-building. These themes develop and come together as the series goes on, painting a vivid and multi-faceted portrait for the reader. Even before you start outlining your story, consider what I wrote in the first part of this series. That’s where a script outline comes into play. Pinterest can be a great source of inspiration and a wonderful way to visualise settings and characters while you plan your series. Try to turn these kinds of clichés on their head and subvert reader expectations with original plot, theme and character elements. , I have to say this was one of the most organized and not so bogged down tips for series creating. All of these things must be determined in order for you to grapple with your act structure -- the foundation of your story. In fantasy, for example, the ‘chosen one’ character arc is a little overdone; likewise, the tough, virtually invincible action hero is a tired trope of the crime/thriller genre. Get to know your world as much as possible so that when you do begin the writing process, you can immerse yourself entirely in the story rather than trying to figure out minute setting details. Anyways, my questions for a started series that needs some work…how would you recommend developing something already in the making? Hahaha Thanks. The word ‘series’ conjures up different emotions in different writers. Create breakdown summaries and DOOD reports in a snap. . If there isn’t, the book doesn’t really qualify as a self-contained narrative. Its very simple formula breaks your plot into eight distinct “beats.”  Each beat has suggested page counts for when they need to happen. And still more might simply cry in horror, ‘A series? I'm trying to do it so bad but can't get it right. Whichever kind of series you’re writing, you should start this part of the planning process by writing down everything you already know about your setting. <3, Thanks, Caity! Do they have enough potential for development that can be sustained across multiple books? It could save you some valuable time and effort at the end of the process. Whether or not they get what they want, decide how your protagonist changes throughout their journey. Once you have all of your scenes together in your script outline, think about how you would explain them to someone. My series is extremely character-driven and don't know how to outline it. , Fabulous post. Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly how things will end at this stage; some writers like to let the story guide them rather than knowing everything from the outset. Each Holmes story deals with an individual mystery, and while there are threads that connect all the volumes, the structure isn’t as rigid as that of a speculative fiction series. Know as much as you can about your protagonist … Does the timeline of my plot span a short or lengthy period? Once you’ve finished writing and are reading back over your work, your themes will be much clearer. Take a look at our video, How Authors Can Use Pinterest For Fiction Writing & Novels, to find out more about this handy tool. More and more people are flocking to the small screen to find daily entertainment. At this point you may need to rework the structure or plot so that a climax or turning point can be included. How detailed you want to get is entirely up to you. Ferrante and Fielding’s series tell the continuing story of their central characters, which is conventional enough, but series like The Border Trilogy are different. Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques. If readers are to stay with you for multiple books, you must create a setting rich enough to immerse them and complex enough to sustain their interest. Thanks so much! Writing a novel is a big commitment. Of course an engaging storyline is vital, however readers must also care about what happens to your characters. Write a pilot before writing the full pitch. You take the audience on a journey, therefore we need to track the character's emotions as we go. One very popular resource for dramatic structure is Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat. After signing up to write a script for Croatian television, I learned that virtually all TV comedies, from Seinfeld to South Park, follow a simple formula. he actual writing of your script is the fun part. Develops the storyline using the scenes essential to the story’s genre supplemented by scenes that present relevant and just plain interesting action and/or drama pertinent to the idea set forth in the Logline and Leavebehind. Furthermore, whether you are writing an anthology or limited series or a serial one, th… And this can only come from understanding the desires of your protagonist. As Stuart Evers points out in an article for The Guardian: A sense of place is important in most novels, but in modern crime fiction, I believe, it’s practically an imperative. If you’re just looking to write a pithy list of scenes to get you started, you’d be well-served by the one-page outline accomplished screenwriter John August used for his script Big Fish. Character-Driven Plotting. First things first: before you do anything else, you need to decide if a series is the right choice for the story you want to tell. Revisions will help with that. Consider George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, for example. The outline has to work in the same way as the script will do. A fantasy series tends to sell much better than a single fantasy novel. What does each character want? If you were explaining the plot to someone, you’d follow this scene with something like: “... but soon the Nazis arrive, steal the ark from him, and seal him inside.”. Readers of Rowling’s fantasy series are eager … We’re in a golden age of TV writing and development. Remember, plot is character. At the end of the story, most of your characters (especially your protagonist) should not be the same people they were the start. If you need a visual cue, just watch an hour long show like Grey’s Anatomy, or whatever else, and pay keen attention to the commercial breaks. Thank you for this detailed outline of scriptwriting. This is an art, as you want to tell the reader what happens, without spoiling any major plot points for them. If you look hard enough, you should find self-contained narratives within the larger plot. Alongside solid plot development, a series must focus on constant character development in order for it to hold any hope of sustaining itself. Looking at examples from professional writers can inform how to outline a screenplay your own way. What themes unite each volume of the series? As excited as you may be to jump right in and start writing, unfortunately, that’s not the best way to go about things. So you’ve answered all the above questions and come to a decision: writing a series is the right choice for you. You chose to write a series because you have a story you want to tell, and because you have a passion for writing. The overarching theme in Harry Potter, for example, is the conflict between good and evil. rom-coms), the more useful a detailed outline can be. For now, ask yourself these questions from the outset to see if your plot is suited to a series. A lot of publishers are wary of accepting standalone fantasy novels, for example, as fantasy readers are generally used to the series format. ... Television reviews focus on a range of TV shows, such as nail-biting dramas or situation comedies, but they all provide a critical perspective that entices readers to watch the show. However, the individual books emphasise a variety of different themes such as prejudice, power, sacrifice, choice, love, and death. Never edit as you go, and never backtrack to include new details you’ve thought of unless it’s absolutely vital to do so. Some writers like getting very specific with their script outline. That would disrupt the flow of cause-and-effect crucial to any plot. Bookmarked and will return. The first and most popular type of story is the One Big Story Arc typeand the second is the Self-contained Story Arc. (The exception to this is a character such as James Bond, who undergoes relatively little development throughout Ian Fleming’s series of novels. How to Write a Movie Review Outline. You’ll find there are natural places to break off and resume the story – natural turning points. This might mean you choose not to undertake every aspect of the planning process we’re about to outline. If you’re going to write a successful series, there’s a bit of preparation that needs to be done first. Your show is on every week, and that means there's no waiting for your … Generally speaking, the genres best suited to a series are: If you’re writing in one of these genres, it might be worth seeing whether your story can be fleshed out into a series. There’s no point setting out to write a series just for the sake of it; it needs to be the right vessel to deliver your particular tale. Create a fictional world readers will long to return to. He used this to evaluate how well the script was balancing the time spent in the different worlds within his story. Keep a digital or physical folder full of all your notes and ideas about the series. But keep in mind that well-thought out plots, settings, characters and overarching structure are the things that can make or break a series, so do at least keep the following points in mind. If not, why? Give only the thrust of the A storyline (or the main story line) with the smaller B and C’s threading in between. But you don’t have to be strict about it. I had… Make sure your scenes have a direct cause-and-effect relationship with one another. And, more importantly, does it answer them all? This is the initial first step in order to get you really stuck into the process of deconstructing your three favorite TV shows: outlining them. Start writing! Not every genre is suited to a series, but some are practically made for it – in fact, there are a few genres in which standalone novels are actually quite rare. You'll notice I do not have the TV pilots divided by genre (comedy and drama) like you might be used to talking about them. Writing a pilot , you've successfully taken this idea and put it into a viable form. Writing on his website, August said he then made a longer sequence outline after writing his first draft. How ShareGrid Creates a Music Video Shot List [Shot List Example], The Revenant Movie: A Shooting Schedule Nightmare. Ask yourself these questions to determine whether you should write a series or stick to a standalone book. Each volume recounts a story that’s not necessarily related chronologically to its companion volumes. Think about some of the most famous and successful book series you know. The ending, which should tie up the majority of your story’s threads. Is it meaty enough to sustain itself over more than one book? That way, when I sit down to write, I’m only worried about writing the scene in a compelling way. If they don’t, they’re much less likely to keep reading. Take a look at your rough plan for each book and ensure that there is indeed a climax point in every one. In Film and TV terms, this referred to as three-act structure. We’ll delve into this further below. In December 2014, I was given a one-line pitch and asked to develop it into a fully-fledged audio sitcom. As discussed above, character development is vital to any series; static characters just don’t cut it over multiple books. Use the template’s text field to write 3-7 paragraphs about your tv show’s story, foundation, goals, and overall theme. If you’re wondering whether to make the commitment to writing a series, we’ve got you covered here with everything you need to know. Based on the premise of unscripted events, reality TV can take many forms. At some point you just need to get started. Rather than wasting your time starting a series only to give up halfway through, you’re better equipped to explore other options, such as standalone novels or short stories. Themes can also encourage readers to think about aspects of the world they hadn’t previously considered, especially if they’re sustained over an entire series. They’re two sides of the same coin! McCarthy’s trilogy is classified as a series because of recurring characters and settings, as well as strong thematic links. Writing one book is hard enough!’. As John August puts it, “The correct way to write your screenplay is whatever gets it written.” We hope learning how to create a script outline with our free template gets the job done for you. (Insert Multi-Line Text Field) Episode Breakdown: When creating new characters it is important to know everything about them -- how they look, how they talk, what makes them funny, what they do for a living, what quirks they have and what sorts of things are they likely to say. Not for very long, because I was desperate for work, but I hesitated. In this genre, however, the primary function of the setting is to help create the mood of the series as a whole. Keep up the amazing work. You’re very welcome! Especially if you’re like me and your outlining process is in-depth and detail-oriented, it may actually be counter-productive to hammer down all the details of your later stories until you’ve written the earlier ones.. An outline, however thorough, is never the final story. To wrap your mind around the overarching structure, ask yourself the following questions. generally like to see in a coherent series . There are a few exceptions to this rule, of course: literary series such as Cormac McCarthy‘s Border Trilogy or Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels, and successful commercial fiction such as Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones series. Will their desires change? Your characters are just as important (if not more important) than your plot. There may be a less concrete answer to the question of how many books to write. Familiarise yourself with your story’s sense of place as much as possible before you start writing in earnest. After all, writing is rewriting. Personally, even though you’re more of a pantser, I’d recommend taking that step back, compiling all the bits and pieces you have so far, and at least working out the overall arc and main plot points you’d like to hit throughout the series, before getting stuck into the writing properly. In fact, plot structure is as old as Aristotle. End them on a dramatic highpoint and make sure the conflict is well developed. The point is, the words “but,” “therefore,” and “so” denote cause-and-effect. To get yourself thinking about character arcs, briefly note down some answers to the following questions: Once you’ve answered these questions, you’ll begin to see patterns of transformation forming. Not all of this information will be included in the actual story, but it’s vital for you as the author to know your characters inside out so you can write them effectively and realistically. The first thing you want to do is solidify the ideas you have for your series’ plot. That's because with shows like Orange is the New Black and Transparent, the lines have been blurred so that a thirty minute show can be a drama and an hour long can be a comedy. For example, if you’re writing a bleak, gritty detective drama, you should aim to let those feelings (bleakness, grittiness) infuse your setting. Once you have a rough idea of how you’ll break up the overarching narrative, it’s time to focus on that all-important concept: the climax. With this in mind, you must put some serious effort into considering your characters before you start writing. It’s all about atmosphere; about a sense of place; about creating a setting so vivid and detailed that it could almost be considered a character itself. Developing the Concept Come up with your "what if?" Download FREE outline bundle to get your story on the right track. PandaTip: This section of the template is where you’ll provide the greatest amount of detail regarding your tv show pitch. If you are looking to get the series picked up by an actual television channel, it will be very different than writing it for your own enjoyment, or for the internet. These will form the individual books. This is their character arc. The answer to this question really comes down to three things: If writing is your passion and your dream, if the story within you is bursting forth and begging to be told, and if writing a series is a goal you’re willing to work hard to achieve – then it sounds like you’re committed and ready to give it a try. Be economical, and don’t bore the audience with too much exposition. This is completely normal; a lot of concepts tend to come up naturally as you write the story. Organization is important. Find your ‘Central Idea’ Every great series grew from the kernel of an idea. D’oh! So how can you break put from the pack and get your idea onto the small screen? Developing your characters and knowing them well before you jump into the story will benefit you greatly in the long run. Will readers be disappointed or will they understand the purpose behind any open-ended aspects? A series will usually have recurring themes that span the entirety of the story, but it may also have themes that are explored or emphasised individually in each volume. Immersing yourself in the world of your story will help give your series a consistent, authentic feel. But again, it’s about what your character’s arc requires -- there are no rules. Can you see how they will undergo a compelling journey, both physical and emotional? Every writer is different. Writing a series of novels takes things to a whole new level. They must want to return to the world you’ve created, whether it be completely imagined (as in fantasy or science fiction) or realistic (as in a crime or mystery series). I’ve already scrapped some stuff and added some stuff, but I find myself overwhelmed wanting this to be that “It” series. As for your question on developing your series: totally understand the plotter/pantser dilemma, and the trouble you’re having with deciding how to move forward. You can then work to develop and bring them out as you see fit. Is this something you’re mentally, physically and financially prepared for? Simply put, act structure means having a beginning, middle, and end. And I know I love my main character enough that I won’t get bored with his story. Transcribe TV shows. The exploration of universal human themes helps readers relate to the story you’re telling, which is important if you want them to come back for each volume of your series. Then break down the resulting document into sequences and acts. What are the key events or turning points in each character’s arc? I know there’s enough plot, enough story that can span several books. At its commencement must be determined in order an art, as you see how they will throughout! Outline your own series and felt some major overwhelm good, long look at plot. 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